Tetsuhiko Nakajima
Professor of Educational Administration, Department of Educational Sciences, Graduate School of Education and Human Development, Nagoya University
**Employment History**
Professor, School of Education, Nagoya University, 2002
Associate Professor, School of Education, Nagoya University, 1998
Associate Professor, Faculty of Letter, Kurume University, 1990
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Kurume University, 1988
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Commerce, Kurume University, 1986
**Educational History**
Ph.D. in Education, Nagoya Univerity, 1998
M.A. in Education, Nagoya University, 1981
B.A. in Law, Nagoya University, 1979
**Research Interests**
Legal Study of Educational Administration
Research on Local Autonomy in Education
Study of Current Educational Policy
Study of Students', Parents' and Teachers' Rights in Education
**Recent Main Publications**
Study on the Parents' and Students' Right to Inspect Personal Information in Education, Kazama Shobo Pub., Tokyo, 2000.
National Test Poicy in Japan: The Management by Objectives in Public Education and the Competitive Education System, Sekai, No.769 (2007.9) pp.79-88.
Local Autonomy and the National Liability to Fund Public Compulsory Education: Exposing the Fraud of the Deregulation and the Decentralization, Annual Bulletin of JASEP, No.13 (2006.6.30) pp.26-35.